If you spend a lot of your time planning your next trip into the great outdoors, you are not alone! Many outdoor enthusiasts spend a lot of time planning and imagining their next adventure into the wild, whether they are getting ready for a fishing trip, a hunting trip, a camping trip, or simply a long hike in the wilderness. The process of planning for your trip is going to give you the time to decide what gear is necessary for your big adventure so that you are ready for anything that you encounter. That should include your sleeping or resting essentials, apparel and supplies for staying cool in hot weather or warm in cold weather, navigation gear, and food and water. In addition to all those essentials, though, it’s also important to bring along tools and accessories that are going to keep you safe in the event of any kind of emergency or disaster. You can buy a complete survival kit to bring along, or you can decide to build your own kit from scratch! Let’s talk about what can go into a quality kit for your next big trip.
A survival kit’s main purpose is to help you stay safe and comfortable until you can get yourself out of the wild or until help can arrive. One of the most important parts of that kit is always going to be your first aid kit! Your first aid kit should include enough supplies for you and anyone else that you’re responsible for on your trip, especially bandages, medical tape and gauze, alcohol pads, and more. in addition to supplies for basic injuries, you need multitools that are going to help you deal with situations you might find yourself outdoors, like a multifunctional axe, saw, and shovel, along with heavy-duty gloves that will protect your hands while you work. You might also decide to bring along basic fishing supplies like line and hooks, to help provide additional food if you find yourself stranded. As always, an additional light and shelter is a must.
Many people are perfectly happy with a kit that comes pre-assembled with the supplies they will need to be safe outdoors. However, if you have specialized needs to knowledge you might find that it’s easier to create a kit from scratch that meets your standards. By updating and improving your kit every time you plan a new trip, you are going to ensure you have a safe and successful adventure.